What if . . . your clothing could kill Viruses & Bacterias?

Anti-Viral / Anit-Bacterial Barrier


Now offering a laundry additive that creates an antimicrobial shield that stays in clothing for up to 15 washing cycles.


What is MonoFoil?


MonoFoil is a patented, EPA-approved, non-toxic antimicrobial nanotechnology that is effective in killing 70+ strains of viruses, bacteria, mold, fungi and algae.


Although all viruses contain similar metabolism, the new Coronovirus / CoVID19 has not been evaluated at the time of this publication. Wash This Way makes no claims in addition to or different from Monofoil's representation. For more details see: https://monofoilusa.com/

How Much?

$10 for 20 lbs of Clothing

Now Avabilable on any Wash & Fold Service!